Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress - IWD 2024

Happy International Women’s Day 2024! In honor of IWD we hosted an event together with the @swedishbusinesscouncil at @mediaonehoteldubai on this year’s theme Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress. We had a fantastic line up of speakers in our panel
⭐️Moderator: Katriina Kuusniemi, Dubai Holding
⭐️Irene Kasyoki, Bring Hope
⭐️Helena Tronner, Knowit Insight Accelerate
⭐️Sergio Hicke, Alfa Laval
⭐️Katia Al Kaisi, Education House Finland
⭐️Mohit Bathia, Electrolux

Thank you all for the interesting discussions and for making the event a huge success!